How to make connection for the vendor with dynamic IP
Some customers asking us about the possibility to route calls to the vendor via connection in case if vendor's GW has a dynamic IP address or behind the NAT.
- Create a domain name for vendor's GW.
- Create connection with the environment IP address (see the below scenario):
You have to create two accounts(for example 666001 and 666003) and special connection(with environment IP address, name - "local connection").
First account 666001 will receive calls and route them to our "local connection".
In the connection properties you have to specify CLD TR. rule:
and IP of your Cloud Softswitch. Add second account 666003 to your environment and you will use it for GW registration(GW will be the same as UA, customer should register 666003 account on the gateway of his vendor).
So as result connection will send calls to the account 666003.
See screenshot of your connection: