Rerate CDRs feature allows to rerate CDRs according to the corrected rates. You can rerate account customer or vendor connection CDRs. When creating a new recalculation it is important to shedule the recalculation in the future, so that you have enough time to upload corrected rates, most preferrable is the offpeak period. You can only upload rates for recalculation before it has been started. When the recalculate process has been created you can upload/download corrected rates for recalculation. Upload/Download is available in "Action" column.
- Customer: if selected, the recalculation will affect customer CDRs of selected customer.
- Account: if selected, the recalculation will affect account CDRs of selected account.
- Vendor: if selected, choose further connections of vendor, the recalculation will affect connection CDRs of selected connections.
- Period from: start date/time of the recalculation period, system will recalculate CDRs starting from this date.
- Period to: finish date/time of the recalculation period, system will recalculate CDRs before this date.
- When To Recalculate: the date/time of the recalculation process. It is highly recommended to choose off peak time.
- Notepad: allows to add some notes for recalculation, for example "Correcting Mary upload from 01.02.2011".
- Notification Email List: comma separated list of emails for recalculation notification. The system will notify these addresses about recalculation process.