Routing Groups

Routing Group is list of all Connections and associated with each of them Vendor Costs that completely defines how the system will route calls from a particular Customer or Account. Distinctive Routing Groups can be only assigned to Accounts and Customers belonging directly to Root Customer. Lower level Customers and Accounts inherit Routing Group from their parent Customer. By creating multiple routing groups it is possible to provide different level/type of service for different groups of account or customers. For example, one can create Premium routing group for subscribers that are ready to pay extra for quality and Regular routing group for everybody else.

The main part of the Routing Group is the Routing Entries list where Connections are associated with Vendor Cost.

Apart from associating Connection with a specific Vendor Cost, Routing Group also sets some other parameters that define routing engine behaviour. Particularly Routing Policy. It defines in which order the switch will try alternative connections that have matching prefix in the Vendor Cost assigned to them. 

Available Routing Policies are:

  • Least Cost: connections are tried in the order from lowest cost to highest cost. Cost is estimated based on Average Call Duration from the Tariff and price parameters from the matching Route in the Vendor Cost.
  • Route Preference: connections are tried in the reverse order of the Preference parameter values from the matching Route in the Vendor Cost
  • Prefix Length: connections with longest marching prefix in associated Vendor Cost are tried first.
  • Routing Entries Order: connections are tried exactly in the order they appear in the Routing Entries list. From lowest Order # to highest Order #.
  • Weighted distribution: distributes calls statistically based on routing entries weight value. For example having entries with weitgh 1 and 9, 90% of 1st call attempts will go to one entry and 10% to another. (New feature added in late 2.2).

Other parameters in the Routing Group are:

  • Media Relay – this parameters defines which media relay should be used when routing calls for that particular Routing Group.