This application returns list of calls in any state. Calls are limited to those belonging to the current customer. Root customer receives full list.
- recursive - Should the calls of subcustomers be included in the returned list (new in post 1.7.1). Boolean. Optional. Default: True
Trusted Mode:
In trusted mode the i_customer integer parameter can be used to specify under which access rights this application should execute.
- list of dictionaries. Here is an example of returned value in Python syntax:
[ { 'B2BUA_TAG' : '', 'CLI' : '801', 'I_CONNECTION' : 1, 'CLD' : '812', 'CALL_ID' : 'd84b2a8b-44f79741@', 'DELAY' : 2, 'DURATION' : 0, 'CC_STATE' : 'ARComplete', 'I_ACCOUNT' : 3, 'ID' : '960' }, { 'B2BUA_TAG' : '2', 'CLI' : '10545', 'I_CONNECTION' : 1, 'CLD' : '123456', 'CALL_ID' : 'c80634fb-6f7ad6fd@', 'DELAY' : 2, 'DURATION' : 10, 'CC_STATE' : 'Connected', 'I_ACCOUNT' : 223, 'ID' : '944' } ]
- XMLRPC fault in case of any error.
Data types of values in the dictionary:
B2BUA_TAG String CLI String I_CONNECTION Integer CLD String CALL_ID String DELAY Integer DURATION Integer CC_STATE String I_ACCOUNT Integer ID String
This is the same as the listAllCalls application, but returns the call list containing calls in states Connected, ARComplete or WaitRoute? only.
This application is used to disconnect an active call.
- ID - ID of the call to disconnect (see the listAllCalls application). String. Required.
- result - OK means that disconnect request was sent successfully
- result - Call not found or not accessible - means that disconnect cannot be initiated
- XMLRPC fault in case of any error.