This application is used to create new account. Newly created account belongs to customer that authenticated a request.
Implementation details:
- Any parameter can use Accounts Generator's patterns to generate its value. Exception is only ${C:xxx} pattern. Instead of number of column is used name of referenced parameter.
Parameters are listed as follows:
- username - username to login to selfcare interface. String. Required.
- web_password - password to login to selfcare interface. String. Required.
- authname - VoIP login. String. Required.
- voip_password - VoIP password. String. Required.
- max_sessions - Max Sessions. Integer. Required.
- max_credit_time - Max Session Time. Integer. Required.
- translation_rule - CLD Translation Rule. String. Required.
- cli_translation_rule - CLI Translation Rule. String. Required.
- credit_limit - Credit Limit. Double. Required.
- i_tariff - Tariff. Integer. Required. (for version <= 1.7.1) Value -1 should be used to assign own tariff.
- i_billing_plan - Service plan. Integer. Required. (from version >= 1.8)
- i_account_class - Class. Integer. Optional. (from version >= 1.10)
- i_time_zone - Time Zone. Integer. Required.
- balance - Balance. Double. Required.
- cpe_number - CPE#. String. Required.
- vm_enabled - VM Enabled. Integer. Required.
- vm_password - PIN Code. String. Required.
- vm_timeout - Timeout to redirect to VM. Integer. Optional (from version 2.0)
- vm_check_number - Access # to VM. String. Optional (from version 2.0)
- blocked - Blocked. Integer. Required.
- i_lang - Two characher language code ('en' for English, 'ru' for Russian and so on). String. Required.
- payment_currency - Payment Currency. String. Required.
- payment_method - Payments Preferred Method. Integer. Required.
- i_export_type - Download Format. Integer. Required.
- lifetime - Lifetime. Integer. Required.
- i_commission_agent - i_customer of commission agent. Integer.
- commission_size - commission size in percents. Double.
- preferred_codec - Preferred Codec. Integer. Required.
- use_preferred_codec_only - Use Preferred Codec Only. Integer. Required.
- reg_allowed - Allow Registration. Integer. Required.
- welcome_call_ivr - Welcome Call. Integer. Required.
- on_payment_action - On Payment. Integer. Required.
- min_payment_amount - Payments Minimum Amount. Double. Required.
- trust_cli - Trust CLI. Integer. Required.
- disallow_loops - Disallow Loops. Integer. Required.
- vm_notify_emails - E-Mail Notification. String. Required.
- vm_forward_emails - E-Mail Forwarding. String. Required.
- vm_del_after_fwd - Delete after forwarding. Integer. Required.
- company_name - Company Name. String. Required.
- salutation - Mr./Ms... String. Required.
- first_name - First Name. String. Required.
- last_name - Last Name. String. Required.
- mid_init - M.I. String. Required.
- street_addr - Address. String. Required.
- state - Province/State. String. Required.
- postal_code - Postal Code. String. Required.
- city - City. String. Required.
- country - Country/Region. String. Required.
- contact - Contact. String. Required.
- phone - Phone. String. Required.
- fax - Fax. String. Required.
- alt_phone - Alternative Phone. String. Required.
- alt_contact - Alternative Contact. String. Required.
- email - E-Mail. String. Required.
- cc - CC. String. Required.
- bcc - BCC. String. Required.
- i_password_policy' - Password Policy. Integer. Required.
- vpn_enabled - VPN Enabled. Boolean. Optional.
- vpn_password - VPN Password. String. Optional.
- i_media_relay_type - Use Media Relay. Integer. Required.
- lan_access - LAN Access. Boolean. Optional.
- batch_tag - Batch Tag. String. Optional.
- i_provisioning - Auto-Provisioning type (from version 2.0). Integer. Optional. Possible values are:
- Null - Disabled
- 1 - Linksys
- invoicing_enabled - Is invoicing enabled. Boolean. Optional. (from version 2.0)
- i_invoice_template - Invoice template. Integer. Optional. (from version 2.0)
- i_invoice_template - Invoice template. Integer. Optional. (from version 2.0)
- i_caller_name_type - Caller name type (from version 2.0). Integer. Optional. Possible values are:
- 1 - Pass-Through (do not touch caller name). Default.
- 2 - Use account's First-Name M.I. Last-Name
- 3 - Use custom value (parameter caller_name)
- caller_name - Custom caller name. String. Optional. (from version 2.0)
- followme_enabled - Enable followme. Boolean. Optional. (from version 2.1)
- vm_dialin_access - Enable external access to voicemail. Boolean. Optional. (from version 2.1)
- hide_own_cli - Enable anonymous outgoing calls. Boolean. Optional. (from version 2.1)
- block_incoming_anonymous - Block incoming anonymous calls. Boolean. Optional. (from version 2.1)
- i_incoming_anonymous_action - Action for incoming anonymous calls (from version 2.1). Integer. Possible values are:
- 1 - Reject (Default)
- 2 - Play prompt and reject
- 3 - Send to voicemail
- dnd_enabled - Enable/Disable DND mode for account. Boolean. Optional. (from version 2.1)
- call_recording - Enable/Disable call recording. Boolean. Optional. (from version 2.1)
- description - Description. String. Optional.
- pass_p_asserted_id - Pass P-Asserted-Id header received from this account. Boolean. Optional. (from version 2.2)
- p_assrt_id_translation_rule. - Translation rule for incoming P-Asserted-Id header. String. Optional. (from version 2.2)
- result - OK means that account has been created. String.
- i_account - i_account of created account. Integer.
- username - username to login to selfcare interface of created account. String.
- web_password - password to login to selfcare interface of created account. String.
- authname - VoIP login of created account. String.
- voip_password - VoIP password of created account. String.
- vm_password - Voice Mail PIN Code of created account. String.
- vpn_password - VPN Password of created account. String.
- XMLRPC fault in case of any error.
For historical reasons the function takes negative number for positive balance and positive number for the negative balance. Client-side code needs to handle this condition. This behavior is consistent with the getAccountInfo() function.